Nasce per aumentare l’informazione e la consapevolezza sui temi centrali della tutela e della promozione della salute, favorire la partecipazione alle scelte in sanità e l’utilizzo responsabile di un bene prezioso come il Servizio sanitario nazionale. La SIMEU, Società Italiana…
Epigenetics 2011
In light with the view that KEAP1 loss of function may impact tumour behavior and modify response to chemotherapeutical agents, we sought to determine whether KEAP1 gene is epigenetically regulated in malignant gliomas. We developed a Quantitative Methylation Specific PCR…
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 2014
Capillary hemangioblastomas (HGBs) of the CNS occur either sporadically or as part of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome. Molecular characterizations of the VHL gene in sporadic HGBs at the somatic level have been limited to date. We investigated the VHL…